Thursday, May 16, 2024

Working high up in the air [Flash Back Series 1]

 Have you ever tried working while you were high up on air? There was a beautiful sunset at your window but you can't even look out and down because you had to catch the deadline? 

It was crazy but that really happened to me. It was just like an experience of being there and not being there at the same time. 

On my way back to Davao, I was still in the airport in Cebu when some breaking news happened somewhere in the town of Datu Hoffer, Maguindanao del Sur. Four soldiers were ambushed on their way to the public market--or was it on their way home? The desk needed the story asap and I had to file it, by hook or by crook. It was lucky that the reporter was already in the area sending the story.  I needed to process it before deadline time. It happened that my flight would arrive at the next airport precisely at deadline time, so that meant I should be doing the actual editing right on the plane. So, there I was, boarding the flight, editing the story while the plane traversed the ocean at 150,000 feet altitude. I could not describe what I felt. It was like I was holding some fragile thing that I had no control of and anything wrong could happen any time--.

I thought about it now and I realised that the fragile thing I was thinking about was actually my life.

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